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Gallery HZ is pleased to present “Strange Times,” a solo exhibition of acclaimed artist Simon Birch. Transforming the gallery with his kaleidoscopic paintings and drawings, “Strange Times” is a retrospective of Simon Birch’s two-decades-long career as one of Hong Kong’s most successful contemporary artists. Having ventured into ambitious video art, cross-continents institutional collaborations, and large-scale installations with his infamous The 14th Factory project (Los Angeles, 2017), Birch’s recent return to painting is a timely and highly-anticipated revival of his studio practice during an unprecedented time of social isolation.
Birch’s opportune return to painting allowed him to revisit the medium after a recent shift in creative direction—having dedicated most of his effort in previous years planning the London edition of The 14th Factory. Plans for this project, though inevitably curtailed due to the pandemic, still led to the exciting initiation of its upcoming Hong Kong edition, set to take place in a 200,000 square-foot industrial space in the city. For Birch, the circumstantial restrictions have, paradoxically, offered him more creative freedom to reinvigorate his practice with a fresh approach, paving ways for more international artistic endeavours in the near future.
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