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Uniting both the older and newer showcases from home-grown artist Jimmy Rice, the cross-timeline curation of “Jimmy Rice Glitchy x The Peace” follows the theme of a “glitch” to stitch together artistic artefacts of the past and present. Famed for his surrealistic anachronistic depictions, presented with bright colours in a strangely realistic style, Jimmy Rice’s works are an exploration into scenes we grasp from spending our heads buried in social media, urban living, and the modern timeline. Also starring alongside Jimmy Rice are a collection of works by artists Liang Yi’chuan, Cheng Wai-ho (Alfred Cheng), Winson Ma, Clayton Chau, Gammy Kwok, Carlos Koo, Eric Seto, and Lam Duen Shan Ming, housed in an accompanying area known as “The Peace.”
Covering the hottest new eats, the best places to play, offbeat takes on local culture, and so much more, Localiiz is every Hongkonger’s destination for how to live a well-rounded life in our vibrant city. Why the strange spelling? Well, Localiiz is designed to be your “local eyes”—and for that, you need two i’s.