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23 Nov - 23 Apr

Villepin presents: “The Art of Hope: New School of Paris”

By Localiiz 9 October 2020

Event Information

START DATE 23 Nov 2020
END DATE 23 Apr 2021
Villepin, 53–55 Hollywood Road, Central
(+852) 3709 0913

Villepin announces a new exhibition dedicated to the Second School of Paris, showcasing a group of artists who became active following the Second World War in Europe. The gallery will present the works of an exceptional and diverse group of painters who created, built, and hoped for a brighter future on the banks of the Seine since the Liberation of Paris in August 1944. Drawing attention to this movement now, the gallery seeks to exhibit, remember, and above all, constantly question the relationship between the world and art, bringing together the past and present, the near and far.

Following major exhibitions and retrospectives that have allowed the public to rediscover the importance of the Second School of Paris, this exhibition will include works from emblematic artists, such as Pierre Soulages, Georges Mathieu, Hans Hartung, Nicolas de Staël, Jean Dubuffet, Jean Paul Riopelle, and Zao Wou-ki, whose work was the subject of the gallery’s inaugural exhibition in March 2020.

Continuing Villepin’s founding conception as a quintessential French “maison,” this November will also mark a new long-term collaboration with Paulin Paulin Paulin, the family business managing the legacy of the famous French designer, Pierre Paulin. Selected pieces of Paulin furniture will be displayed throughout Villepin’s three-story gallery space. Combining art and collectable design, and a celebration of legacy, this partnership further reflects Villepin’s ongoing commitment to creating an intimate space for art viewing and appreciation, as well as meaningful dialogue and exchange between collectors and visitors.


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