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Header image courtesy of JPS Gallery
Wilson Shieh’s ability to modernise traditional Chinese art to infatuate audiences from all walks of life is a true testament to his skills. His new “Chop Suey 2008–2022” exhibition presents an overview of his work from that respective period. By browsing through these different mediums, you can infer how Shieh’s art evolutes throughout the twenty-first century, integrating imagery found within Hong Kong’s local pop culture. Visit the JPS Gallery to get a peek at his legendary artwork.
Covering the hottest new eats, the best places to play, offbeat takes on local culture, and so much more, Localiiz is every Hongkonger’s destination for how to live a well-rounded life in our vibrant city. Why the strange spelling? Well, Localiiz is designed to be your “local eyes”—and for that, you need two i’s.