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Launched by Design Spectrum of Hong Kong Design Centre, the Play Lives Exhibition features over 90 play and design based projects from Hong Kong, the Mainland, Japan, Korea, and the United States. Offering visitors a 360-degree perspective on the various types of toy items, the conceptualization and cultural value of “play” is explored within the context of daily living. Traverse the four main rooms hosting activities and demonstrations that explore the core concept in full, taking the all on a journey that begs us to consider how image, object, body, space fit into the overarching abstraction.
The exhibition will run until 30 April, and is open to the public for free. Design Spectrum will also host a whole bunch of workshops, guided tours, and other play-based activities under the themes of Shadow Art, Forbidden Fruit, Toymaking, and more. Find out more and register for a tour or workshop by clicking here.
Covering the hottest new eats, the best places to play, offbeat takes on local culture, and so much more, Localiiz is every Hongkonger’s destination for how to live a well-rounded life in our vibrant city. Why the strange spelling? Well, Localiiz is designed to be your “local eyes”—and for that, you need two i’s.