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The 3,000-foot Japanese-style lodge bar Lounge Hakuba will host the first two-day #ThePlayground pop-up weekend market on 14 and 15 November. Hoping to gather a group of enthusiasts that are passionate about local creations to foster the development of local multiculturalism, this pop-up market offers a variety of art, music, and handicraft activities for guests to experience local culture firsthand and spend a wonderful weekend with their friends in Lounge Hakuba.
Highlights include live music performance of the 1990s and reggae music by DJ Steffunn Wong, Japanese delights and speciality drinks brought together by Lounge Hakuba and The Alp, and creative DIY workshops like hand-painting, wood carving, and more!
Covering the hottest new eats, the best places to play, offbeat takes on local culture, and so much more, Localiiz is every Hongkonger’s destination for how to live a well-rounded life in our vibrant city. Why the strange spelling? Well, Localiiz is designed to be your “local eyes”—and for that, you need two i’s.