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Reasons Why Volunteering is Good for Your Mental Health

By Sponsored content 16 August 2019
BROUGHT TO YOU BY BUPA GLOBAL Volunteering—the simple act of giving your time, free of charge—is hugely beneficial to society. It is estimated that around 9 out of 10 people benefit from some sort of voluntary activity over the course of a year. It allows people to enjoy new experiences, pick up some new skills, or just simply help those most in need. Hong Kong is home to a slew of nonprofits, charities, and other organisations that are dedicated to helping those in need. From helping those with disabilities to taking a stance on animal welfare, there's a chance for you to get involved no matter what you're passionate about. The most important thing is, not only will you be able to help others, but this act of kindness can also be beneficial for the volunteers themselves. We sit down with Fatmata Kamara, a specialist nurse adviser at Bupa UK, to find out all about how volunteering can be good for your mental health and wellbeing.

bupa volunteering research

Research and evidence

There have been a number of studies exploring a potential link between volunteering and mental wellbeing. But it’s a difficult area to research. Studies often rely on people’s own accounts of their experiences rather than scientific data. Also, ‘volunteering’ is a fairly loose term, so it’s hard to compare the results of different studies. However, the research we do have seems to show that volunteering has a positive effect on mental health in terms of managing depression, and enhancing life satisfaction and wellbeing. This research mainly consists of small, local studies. In many of these, volunteering schemes have been used like treatment programmes for people with specific mental health conditions. Many positive outcomes have been seen, with people reporting that volunteering helped them in their recovery. Overall, this paints a picture that volunteering can be valuable for the volunteer, as well as for the people who benefit from their help. More research is needed to confirm these findings, and to try and work out why volunteering has such a positive effect on our mental health.

bupa volunteer mental health

How volunteering might help

As a mental health nurse, I’ve seen first-hand some of the benefits people have gained from volunteering, which may lie behind these research findings.
  • Sense of purpose. Helping others can be rewarding and satisfying, and can reaffirm your sense of value and purpose.
  • Social opportunities. Volunteering can provide an opportunity to make friends and develop your social life. There’s an increasing understanding that social relationships promote mental wellbeing, and volunteering is a great way to build these.
  • Learning. Volunteering often involves learning new skills, which in itself brings a sense of fulfillment and achievement.
  • Chance of employment. Many volunteering schemes can open doors in terms of employment opportunities. Finding a job (or a new job) can carry with it all the benefits outlined above.
  • A distraction. If you’re experiencing anxiety or depression, and are preoccupied with negative thoughts, you may find that volunteering simply provides a welcome distraction. Having an activity to focus on can take your mind off the negative thoughts and help you to live in the moment.
  • Physical activity – Some volunteering activities may involve physical effort, for example, gardening or sports coaching. The benefits of exercise for mental health are well established.

bupa volunteer stories

Sharing stories

We asked some of our own people, here at Bupa, to share why they volunteer and how it enhances their life. Lucy Brown, Clinical Director of Nursing, regularly volunteers at her children’s school: “I’m a pediatric trained nurse and I love educating and empowering children to think about the possibilities and opportunities in the world. Plus working with children is so much fun! Teaching CPR training to baby shark was such fun!” Greg Swarbrick, Head of Healthcare Outcomes, has just finished a three-year volunteering stint in his local community: “Doing something good for the local community, as well as understanding what the issues are locally, has been very satisfying for me. I feel more ‘plugged in’ to the area where I live, creating a new social network, and seeing tangible benefits for schools, churches, construction and care homes as the result of my time and effort.”


Getting started

If you’re interested in volunteering, it’s worth thinking carefully about what you want to do. Voluntary organisations operate in all walks of life, so you should be able to find something that’s close to your heart. For example, if you’re a sports fan, see if any local clubs need help. If art or history is more your thing, perhaps there’s a gallery looking for volunteers. If you love to travel, you may be lucky enough to find some overseas opportunities. The more enthusiastic you are about what you’re doing, the more likely you are to keep at it and to enjoy all the benefits volunteering has to offer. If you’re ready to take the plunge, there are lots of good places to start looking. If you can't wait to start helping others in need, check out our guide on where you can get involved with charity work in Hong Kong!
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DISCLAIMER: This article was designed and produced by Bupa Global by searching internal and external data and information for information provision and reference purposes only. Any views or information mentioned and set out in this article/webpage are based on general situations. Readers should not regard them as medical advices or medical recommendations. Before making any decisions about the theme of this article, you are recommended to seek independent advice from suitable professionals (such as doctors, nutritionists, etc.). It is clearly stated that Bupa Global will not bear any responsibilities for others’ usage or interpretation of the information listed in this article. When preparing and/or updating this article, Bupa Global endeavours to ensure that the content is accurate, complete and updated but will not bear any responsibilities nor make any warranty or guarantee for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information or for any claims and/or losses caused thereby.

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